Interface datasets
What is an Interface dataset?
You can arrange a collection of columns of one template dataset to create an interface dataset… a form that displays data to the user and can allow him or her to interact with the data (update, delete, add… etc.)
Interface datasets can be displayed into two modes:
  • The list mode: data is displayed in row / columns… useful for viewing a collection of data records;
  • Record mode: fields of one record are displayed… useful for data entry and updates.
Linking datasets
You can choose to link one ‘list-mode dataset’, to another ‘record-mode dataset’ to allow the user to select (in the list) the record to update.
To do this, you can proceed as follows:
  • Click the datasets tab;
  • Click on the desired list-mode dataset to link to display its record;
  • On the dataset record: select the desired dataset that should act as record for the selected dataset;
  • Click Update

  • To physically group both datasets in a usable Form: create a dataFrame that contains both of these datasets.
  • Make sure to set the detail_frame_name dataset property of the list-mode dataset to the same name of the frame name property of the record dataset placed into the dataFrame. (this option will be available in this demo version in the near future)
Creating a sub-datasets
Data displayed into a list-mode dataset may depend on a choice or a selection done outside of the dataset itself.
For example, we created, say, a list-mode dataset that displays menu commands… and another that displays menu themes.
Now, suppose that we want the menu commands dataset to display only menu commands of a selected theme.
To do this, we simply set the theme_id field as the ‘Parent field’ of the menu commands dataset.

The menu commands dataset acts then as a sub-dataset: i.e. it will not display any data until it receives a value for its parent field (in this case ‘theme_id’)

Le contenu d’une liste d’informations peut dépendre d’un critère extérieur.
Dans le formulaire en cours, pare exemple, le contenu de l’onglet ‘Propriétés du set’ affiche seulement la liste des propriétés du dataset sélectionné.
This property can be used to logically link different datasets of a form (dataFrame)

For more information about linking form datasets: see dataFrame introduction.
Controlling the interface
Fields of an interface dataset are displayed as controls that you choose according to each field’s significance and requirements.
Use the field record to:
  • Select the control type that will display the field’s value (check box, input box, option list…);
  • Check the ‘required’ check box to have easySite automatically displays a ‘*’ sign besides the field’s control, and automatically display a warning if the user attempts to click the Update button without providing a value for the field;

Use the dataset properties record (not available in the demo version) to:
  • Select the general graphical aspects of the dataset

Use the field’s attributes record (not available in the demo version) to:
  • Set specific graphical and logical attributes for each dataset field.
Dynamically filtering dataset information
This option will be available in the demo version in the near future

You can dynamically filter dataset information according to criteria related to predefined constants or to a user’s session-specific value.
Use the ‘Main filter’ tab to:
  • Define the main filter criteria that should be applied on the dataset;
  • Criteria values can be:
    • Constants
    • Session variables (dynamically defined and set… i.e. easySite creates them for you at runtime): note: session variables are closely related to the current user’s session… they are created during the user’s session and destroyed at its end.
    • Application variables (dynamically defined as session’s variables above) note: application variables are global and are preset in all sessions. They are created during application runtime and destroyed at application end.

Filter important note:
If you decide to apply more than one filter type for the same field (if you decide, for example, to apply a constant, a session variable and an application variable)… easySite handles priorities as follows:

  • Priority 1 session variable: if a session variable has a value, it will be used as the field filter;
  • Priority 2 application variable: If an application variable has a value, it will be used as the field’s filter;
  • Otherwise: constant value will be used.

This priority order can be used to compose criteria dynamic values (session and / or application variables) with the constant as a default value.
Dynamically setting session’s and application’s variables
This option will be available in the demo version in the near future

As mentioned above, easySite allows you to dynamically create session’s and / or application’s variables as needed.
easySite also allows you to dynamically assign values to these variables using interface datasets.
Use the Session variables tab to:
  • Select the variable to be updated;
  • Select the dataset field that will contain the value to assign to the variable;
  • Check Update to tell easySite to create the variable if it doesn’t exist;
  • Check Replace to tell easySite to replace the variable’s current value by the field’s value.
Manage dataset access authorization
This option will be available in the demo version in the near future

To display or use an interface dataset, a user must be authorized to do so.
Access authorizations allow you manage user’s permissions to interact with the dataset in the following domains:
  • rd read data permission;
  • wr write permission;
  • ad add record permission;
  • del delete records permission;

Permissions can be assigned through:
  • User general profile;
  • User groups;
  • Individual user.

Use the Authorization tab to manage permissions for the currently selected dataset.

You can manage permissions in more exhaustive mode by accessing the specific Authorization management form.